Alternate Energy - Arcasia Services
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Alternate Energy

Lets Save the Planet

At a Glance

Our work in Alternate Energy is structured into the following sectors:

Solar – Home & Commercial Solutions
Hydro (mini/micro) Solutions
Wind – Home Solutions
On & Off-Grid Systems
Irrigation Solutions
Energy Storage Solutions

What We Do

Our Expertise in Alternate Energy:

We import and sell quality clean energy products. (Checkout our online shop)

We design & manufacture lift-irrigation pumps & other alternate energy products

We provide dealership to international alternate energy companies.

Consulting Services: Policy, strategy, action plan development, stakeholder consultation and planning

Project & site identification, formulation, appraisal, planning and pre-feasibility/feasibility studies

Program and project monitoring and evaluation, including social and economic impact analysis

Infrastructure planning, management and procurement

Technical and financial project management and implementation

Under this theme we plan to provide technical support on awareness raising in promotion of clean energy not only at households level but for schools, health facilities and business as well. The services include assessing household and group needs, design, fixing and devising operation and maintenance systems, and capacity building of the clients in safe and efficient use of the system.


Energy saving, reducing carbon footprint and improving energy efficiencies are core areas of our priorities in mitigating climate challenges.


Despite government’s efforts, the people of rural areas have no access to reliable energy. The mountainous areas have tremendous potential in harnessing water energy. Our dedicated team have the expertise in assessing the need, demand and develop a complete solution from conceptualizing, proposal development to designing, construction and devising location systems in managing operation and maintenance of mini-micro hydro projects.


Most off-grid locations have no access or limited access to energy and Pakistan is one of the top ten countries where there is solar potential and homes, offices and tourist’s facilities can have access to solar solutions.


Household level wind solutions are part of the energy mix in some of the wind corridors in the south but locations in the north which are closer to the glaciers have good potential during certain months/ hours. Water energy in streams and existing water channels in the northern parts of Pakistan are best opportunity for lifting water uphill for converting barren land, mostly slopes into forest cover which can serve nature-based solution for controlling soil erosion and flood mitigation.

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